positive airway pressure (PAP), positive airway pressure therapy (PAPT), positive airway pressure titration, postprandial sleepiness/drowsiness, Powel-Riley II phase surgery,
power-assisted adenoidectomy, power-assisted adenotonsillectomy, power-assisted tonsillectomy, PPT (pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus), preauricular point, PRC
(phase response curve), pregnancy, pregnancy-related sleep disorders, pressure level
and airflow, prevalence, PRF (pontine reticular formation), primary snoring, primary CSA, primary CSA of infancy, primary CSA of prematurity, protrusion, PSG (polysomnogram - recordings of variables during sleep e.g. EEG, EOG, EMG, EKG, respiratory airflow,
respiratory movements, lower limb movements etc.), PSG (polysomnogram, polysomnography), PT (pars tuberalis), PTQ (post-test questionnaire), PTSD (Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder), PWS (Prader-Willis Syndrome), quality control, quiet sleep (NREM sleep in infants), radiofrequency ablation of palate (RFAP), radiofrequency tonguebase reduction (RFTB/TBRF), rapid maxillary expansion, RDI (respiratory
disturbance index), RAS (reticular activating system), RBD (REM behavior disorder), RDI (respiratory disturbance index = apneas + hypopneas + RERAs per hour of total sleep time), rebound sleep, reference electrode, reference recording montage, REM (rapid eye movement), REM associated disorders, REM density, REM extremity movement, REM
latency, REM sleep intrusion, REM sleep percentage, REM sleep, REM-sleep %
(percentage of REM sleep as proportion of total sleep time), REM-sleep episode (REM-
sleep portion of a NREM-REM-sleep cycle), REM-sleep latency (interval from sleep onset
to the first appearance of stage REM sleep), REM-sleep onset (commencement of a REM-sleep episode), RERA (respiratory effort-related arousal), re-referencing, restlessness, retroglossal obstruction, retrognathia, retrolingual obstruction, retropalatal obstruction, RFAP (radiofrequency ablation of palate), TFTB/ TBRF(radiofrequency tonguebase reduction), rhinomanometry, rhonchopathic, rigid upper airway endoscopy, rise time, risk factors, RLS (restless leg syndrome), RME (rapid maxillary expansion), RMD (rhythmic movement disorder), robotic transoral glossectomy, RNT (reticular nucleus of the thalamus), ROC (right outer canthus), RPSGT (registered polysomnographic
sagittal split osteotomy, salvage procedures, SaO2 (arterial oxygen saturation), saw-tooth waves (form of theta rhythm that occurs during REM sleep), SCN (suprachiasmatic nycleus), scoring and interpretation of PSG, screening, SAHS (sleep
apnea hypopnea syndrome), SBD (sleep-breathing disorder), SDB (sleep-disordered breathing), sedatives, septoplasty, septorhinoplasty, serotonin, shift-work disorder, short sleeper, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), SL (sleep latency), sleep , sleep architecture, sleep cycle (NREM-REM-sleep cycle), sleep debt, sleep deprivation, sleep
diary, sleep disorders, Sleep EEG [recording of the electrical activity of the brain by
means of electrodes placed on the surface of the head (with the EMG and EOG, the EEG is used to score sleep stages and waking)], sleep efficiency, sleep episode, sleep extension, sleep fragmentation, Sleep Heart Health Study, sleep history questionnaire, sleep
hygiene (with the aim of promoting continuous and effective sleep), sleep inertia, sleep interruption, sleep laboratory diagnosis, sleep latency (duration of time from bedtime to
the commencement of sleep), sleep log (sleep diary). sleep talking, SO (sleep-onset,
sleep onset…transition from awake to sleep, normally to NREM stage 1 sleep), SOAD
(sleep-onset association disorder), SOREMP (sleep onset REM period/periods), SORL
(sleep otorhinolaryngology), sleep paralysis (immobility of the body that occurs in the transition from sleep to wakefulness which is a partial manifestation of REM sleep, sleep pattern, sleep questionnaire, SRBD (sleep-related breathing disorder/disturbances),
SRED (sleep-related eating disorder), sleep report, sleep spindle (bursts of 1.5- to 15.0-
Hz waves lasting 0.5-1.5 s.), sleep spindles, Sleep stage N1 [sleep stage N1 = NREM
stage 1; alpha rhythms replaced by low-amplitude, mixed-frequency activity (mainly 4 Hz
-7 Hz)], sleep stage N2 [NREM stage 2 with K complexes and sleep spindles], sleep stage
N3 [NREM stage 3 with high-amplitude slow waves (e.g. ≥75 microvolts, 0.5 Hz)], sleep stage REM [with REM eye movements on EOG and saw-toothed waves (2Hz - 6 Hz)],
sleep state, sleep structure, sleep surgery (SSS = sleep surgery society), sleep talking, sleep terror, SDB (sleep-disordered breathing), SE (sleep efficiency), sleeping pills,


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